Config = {}Config.defaultLocation ='top-left' -- can be 'top-right', 'top-left' or 'bottom-left'
Exports (clientside)
Integration of our notification script in your client.lua
-- DEFAULTexports['mfp_notify']:ShowNotification("Maps","~y~Yellow Text~w~ and ~g~Green Text~w~ work!","icons/maps-icon.png")-- use default icons from icons folder or use direct link.-- ADVANCEDexports['mfp_notify']:ShowNotification("Mission Update", -- Title (App Name)"~r~This is a test notification~w~ in the top left.", -- Description (with colorcode and multiline support)"", -- can be icons/*.* or link"top-left" -- can be top-left, top-right or bottom-left)-- use top-left, top-right or bottom-left (In the Config.lua you can choose default, so you dont nead a value here.
Exports (serverside)
Integration of our notification script in your server.lua
-- DEFAULTexports['mfp_notify']:ShowNotification( source, -- can be playersource to show the right client"Maps","~y~Yellow Text~w~ and ~g~Green Text~w~ work!","icons/maps-icon.png")-- use default icons from icons folder or use direct link.-- ADVANCEDexports['mfp_notify']:ShowNotification( source,"Mission Update", -- Title (App Name)"~r~This is a test notification~w~ in the top left.", -- Description (with colorcode and multiline support)"", -- can be icons/*.* or link"top-left" -- can be top-left, top-right or bottom-left)-- use top-left, top-right or bottom-left (In the Config.lua you can choose defaultexports['mfp_notify']:ShowNotificationToAll("Maps","~y~Yellow Text~w~ and ~g~Green Text~w~ work!","icons/maps-icon.png","bottom-left")