This contains important exports to intergrate our job into your system if needed. By default all should work without.
Server Exports
Get the amout of weapons available at the LSPD:
-- 'weapon' is a String and uppercase
-- 'amount' is an Interger
local amount = exports['mfp_policejob']:getWeaponStock(weapon)
Get the mileage:
-- 'plate' is a String
-- 'amount' is an Interger
local amount = exports['mfp_policejob']:GetCarMileage(plate)
Handcuff a player / uncuff a player:
-- 'canmove' true to make moveable, false to freeze
-- 'target' is the target
exports['mfp_policejob']:Handcuff(target, canmove)
Get Vehicleinformation
-- 'plate' is a String
-- vehinfo.registered (bool): true/false
-- vehinfo.first_registration (String): date as a string
-- vehinfo.owner (String): First & Lastname
local vehinfo = exports['mfp_policejob']:getVehicleInfos(plate)
Get Playerdata with licences, weapons, inventory, money
-- data.firstname: Firstname (String)
-- Lastname (String)
-- data.job: Job Label (String)
-- data.grade: JobGrade Label (String)
-- data.inventory: Invetory (Array)
-- data.accounts: MoneyAccount (Array)
-- data.weapons: Weapons (Array)
-- data.dob: Date (String)
-- data.height: Heigth (String)
-- 'm' or 'f'
-- data.licenses: Licenses (Array)
-- 'target' is the target-id
local data = exports['mfp_policejob']:getVehicleInfos(target)
Client Exports
Open the F6 Interaction menu
Open the Police Wardrope
Set the uniform of an officer
-- 'playerPed' is the playerpedid
-- 'grade' is the grade of the preset of clothings (Int)
-- 'hasvest' is the clothing containing a bulletproofvest (bool)
exports['mfp_policejob']:SetUniform(grade, playerPed, hasvest)
Trigger the activation of ur own panicbutton
Customize Weapons at Armory
add the following lines at client/client.lua:383
-- replace MY WEAPONNAME with the label of your weapon
-- replace WEAPON_MYWEAPON with your weaponspawnname
local customitem = NativeUI.CreateItem("MY WEAPONNAME",'')
mainMenu:AddItem(customitem )
ESX.TriggerServerCallback('mfp_policejob_waffenkammer:getStock', function(stock)
customitem.Activated = function(sender, index)
TriggerServerEvent('mfp_policejob_waffenkammer:reinraus', 'WEAPON_MYWEAPON', "MY WEAPONNAME")
import the following sql-statement:
INSERT INTO mfp_stocks (typ, amount) VALUES ('WEAPON_MYWEAPON', 4);