This is for the customers of mfp_scrapyard.
Database entries
INSERT INTO `items` (`name`, `label`, `weight`) VALUES
('scrap', 'Scrap 1', 1),
('scrap2', 'Scrap 2', 1),
('scrap3', 'Scrap 3', 1);
CREATE TABLE `mfp_stocks` (
`typ` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`amount` int(12) DEFAULT 0
INSERT INTO `mfp_stocks` (`typ`, `amount`) VALUES
('scrap', 10);
start NativeUI
start mfp_scrapyard
Thats it. Edit the config.lua the way you want it to. ^^
Config = {}
Translation = {}
Config.Locale = 'de' -- 'en' for english, 'de' for german, 'fr' for french, 'es' for spanish
-- NativeUI & NativeUIReloaded possible! Edit fxmanifest... --
-- Discordlogging --
Dicordlogging = false -- type true to enable it!
DiscordWebhook = {
['webhook'] = '', -- paste here your webhook
-- Anti2muchMoney --
Anit2much = false -- activate a notification if a player have too much money in discord as a warning (maybe a cheater...)
Anti_MoneyMax = 50000000 -- amout for notification
Config.Scrapyard_Positions = { -- search here for scrap
{x= -479.09, y= -1705.48, z= 17.7}
--more locations
Config.Seller_Position = {
{ ['x'] = -426.36, ['y'] = -1721.71, ['z'] = 18.19} -- positiones to sell the scrap. multiple possible!
Config.Buy_Position = {
{ ['x'] = -428.8, ['y'] = -1727.9, ['z'] = 19.8} -- positiones to sell the scrap. multiple possible!
Config.SearchItemAmount = 1 -- amout of searchable
Config.ScrapItem = 'scrap' -- itemname for changes. If you want this one, still import the sql-file too
Config.randomItem = false -- set true to use random ScrapItem, only the ScrapItem is saleable! For crafting systems important
Config.ScrapItems = {
Config.ScrapBuyPrice = 350
Config.MoneyPerScrap = 90 -- money for one scrap, not important when randomMoney = true
Config.randomMoney = false -- random amout of money
Config.useProps = true -- if you want to carry items as props
Config.Npc = { -- add more npcs as dealer characters
{x= -426.58, y= -1722.41, z= 18.15, h=338.9},
{x= -428.8, y= -1727.9, z= 18.8, h=70.4},
--more locations possible
Config.WaitTime = 8000 --- time until you get the scrap item
Translation = {
['en'] = { -- english
['open_menu'] = 'Press ~INPUT_PICKUP~ to talk to the worker',
['seller'] = 'Salesman',
['sell_but'] = 'Sell scrap',
['sell_info'] = 'Sell all ~o~scrap~s~ you picked up! Prices can denature...',
['sell_worked_not'] = 'You sold ~o~scrap~s~ to me worth ~g~%s~s~ $.',
['sell_failed_not'] = 'You do ~r~not have any ~s~scrap with you that you could turn into money!',
['scrapyard'] = 'Scrapyard',
['search'] = 'Press E to pick up scrap metal',
['search_scrap'] = 'Scrap metal collection',
['search_scrap_not'] = 'You found ~o~scrap~s~, go and sell it to me quickly!',
['stock'] = 'Stock',
['buy_but'] = 'Buy scrap',
['buy_info'] = 'Buy ~o~scrap~s~ from stock for $350.',
['buy_success'] = 'You buy scrap for ~g~%s$~w~',
['error_money'] = '~r~Purchase failed:~w~\nYou do not have enough cash.',
['error_stock'] = '~r~Purchase failed:~w~\nThere is not enough scrap in the warehouse.',
['de'] = { -- german
['open_menu'] = 'Drücke ~INPUT_PICKUP~ um mit dem Arbeiter zu sprechen',
['seller'] = 'Verkäufer',
['sell_but'] = 'Schrott verkaufen',
['sell_info'] = 'Verkaufe sämtlichen ~o~Schrott~s~ den Sie aufgesammelt haben! Die Preise können denaturieren...',
['sell_worked_not'] = 'Du hast ~o~Schrott~s~ bei mir verkauft im Wert von ~g~%s~s~ $',
['sell_failed_not'] = 'Du hast ~r~keinen ~s~Schrott dabei, den du zu Geld machen könntest!',
['scrapyard'] = 'Schrottplatz',
['search'] = 'Drücke E um Schrott aufzuheben',
['search_scrap'] = 'Schrottsammeln',
['search_scrap_not'] = 'Du hast ~o~Schrott~s~ gefunden, gehe und verkaufe es schnell mir!', --
['stock'] = 'Lager',
['buy_but'] = 'Schrott kaufen',
['buy_info'] = 'Kaufe ~o~Schrott~s~ aus dem Lager für 350$.',
['buy_success'] = 'Du kaufst Schrott für ~g~%s$~w~',
['error_money'] = '~r~Kauf fehlgeschlagen:~w~\nDu hast nicht genug Bargeld.',
['error_stock'] = '~r~Kauf fehlgeschlagen:~w~\nEs befindet sich nicht genug Schrott im Lager.',
['fr'] = { -- french
['open_menu'] = 'Appuie sur ~INPUT_PICKUP~ pour parler à ouvrier',
['seller'] = 'Vendeur',
['sell_but'] = 'Vendre de la ferraille',
['sell_info'] = 'Vends tous les ~o~déchets~s~ que tu as ramassés ! Les prix peuvent se dénaturer',
['sell_worked_not'] = 'Tu me as vendu ~o~de la camelote~s~ pour une valeur de ~g~%s~s~ $.',
['sell_failed_not'] = 'Tu ne as pas de ~s~déchets sur toi que tu pourrais transformer en argent !',
['scrapyard'] = 'Cour de ferraille',
['search'] = 'Appuie sur E pour ramasser les débris',
['search_scrap'] = 'Collecte de ferraille',
['search_scrap_not'] = 'Tu as trouvé ~o~de la camelote~, va vite me la vendre !',
['stock'] = 'Stock',
['buy_but'] = 'Acheter ferraille',
['buy_info'] = 'Acheter ~o~scrap~s~ du stock pour 350 $.',
['buy_success'] = 'Vous achetez de la ferraille pour ~g~%s$~w~',
['error_money'] = '~r~Achat a échoué:~w~\nVous ne avez pas assez de argent.',
['error_stock'] = '~r~Achat a échoué:~w~\nIl ne y a pas assez de ferraille dans le entrepôt.',
['es'] = { -- spanish
['open_menu'] = 'Pulse ~INPUT_PICKUP~ para hablar con el trabajador',
['seller'] = 'Vendedor',
['sell_but'] = 'Vender chatarra',
['sell_info'] = '¡Vende toda la chatarra que recogiste! Los precios pueden desnaturalizarse...',
['sell_worked_not'] = 'Me vendiste ~o~scrap~s~ por valor de ~g~%s~s~ $.',
['sell_failed_not'] = '¡No tienes ninguna chatarra contigo que puedas convertir en dinero!',
['scrapyard'] = 'Chatarrero',
['search'] = 'Pulsa E para recoger la chatarra',
['search_scrap'] = 'Recogida de chatarra',
['search_scrap_not'] = '¡Encontraste ~o~chatarra~s~, ve y véndemela rápido!',
['stock'] = 'Acciones',
['buy_but'] = 'Comprar chatarra',
['buy_info'] = 'Compre ~o~chatarra~s~ de stock por $350.',
['buy_success'] = 'Usted compra chatarra para ~g~%s$~w~',
['error_money'] = '~r~Compra fallida:~w~\nNo tiene suficiente efectivo.',
['error_stock'] = '~r~Compra fallida:~w~\nNo hay suficiente chatarra en el almacén.',
Last updated