πŸ”—Script Intergrations

In this section we show you how to use your scripts in our policesystem.

Panicbutton & Dispatch

Config.PanicTime = 120 -- in sec
Config.DispatchScript = 'none'
-- 'none' for no special dispatch script
-- 'core' for default core dispatch
-- 'aty' for aty_dispatch
-- 'cd_dispatch' for cd_dispatch
-- 'qs-dispatch' for Quasar Dispatch
-- 'custom' for custom script

function OpenCustomDispatch(playerCoords)
    -- add custom dispatch script here if Config.DispatchScript = 'custom'

Billings & Innvoice

Config.BillingScript = 'none'
-- 'none' to disable interactionmenu-billings
-- 'esx_billing' for default esx billing
-- 'vivum' for VivumBilling
-- 'custom' for custom script

function OpenCustomBilling(target, amount)
    -- add custom billing script here if Config.BillingScript = 'custom'


Config.EnableIntegratedMileage = true -- (use our free resource: mfp_mileage)
Config.MileageScript = 'mfp'
-- 'mfp' for our free resource mfp_mileage
-- 'integrated' to enable the demo version of this feature

Vehicle Registration

Config.VehicleRegisterScript = 'none'
-- 'lux' for default lux_vehiclepaper
-- 'none' to disable this feature


Config.Prisonscript = 'custom' 
-- 'none' if you want to deactivate
-- 'myprison' for MyPrison
-- 'qalle' for esx-qalle-jail
-- 'custom' for custom script

function OpenCustomJailMenu(target)
    -- add custom jail script here if Config.Prisonscript = 'custom'


Config.Speedcamsscript = 'custom' 
-- 'none' if you want to deactivate
-- 'myspeedcams' for MySpeedcams
-- 'custom' for custom script

function CreateCustomSpeedcams()
    -- add custom speedcam script here if Config.Speedcamsscript = 'custom'

function ManageCustomSpeedcams()
    -- add custom speedcam script here if Config.Speedcamsscript = 'custom'

Last updated